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April 3, 2012
4172012_60301_0.jpg        TOWN OF OLD SAYBROOK
         Board of Finance
        302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
APRIL 3, 2012   7:00 P.M.
Old Saybrook Town Hall
302 Main Street

CALL TO ORDER    Chairman LaMay called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and all rose for the Pledge of Allegiance.

BOF Attendant Members           Absent Members                  
David LaMay                             
Grant Westerson
Barry O’Nell
John O’Brien
Tom Stevenson
Brad Thorpe
Derrik Kennedy

In Attendance
Carl Fortuna, First Selectman
Scott Giegerich, Selectman
Sarah Becker, Town Clerk
Barry Maynard, Tax Collector
Larry Bonin, Director Public Works
Bob Fish, Treasurer
Michael Spera, Chief of Police
Don Dobson, Fire Marshall
Christina Burnham, Chairman Police Commission
Members of the Police Commission
Gerri Lewis, Clerk


MINUTES  March 20, 2012:

Motion:  To approve minutes of March 20, 2012 as presented.

Moved:  G. Westerson                         Second: J. O’Brien

Discussion:  None

Approved:  D. LaMay; G. Westerson; D. Kennedy; J. O’Brien; T. Stevenson; B. Thorpe
Opposed:  None
Abstained:  B. O’Nell

MINUTES  March 26, 2012:

Motion:  To approve minutes of March 26, 2012 as presented.

Moved:  G. Westerson                         Second: B. Thorpe

Discussion:  None

Approved:  D. LaMay; G. Westerson; D. Kennedy; J. O’Brien; T. Stevenson; B. Thorpe
Opposed:  None
Abstained:  B. O’Nell

The Board had questions and comments as follows for Fire Marshal Dobson:
  • New vehicle; cost; necessity of new vehicle; assessories; current vehicle handed down from OSPD with 23K miles on it; there is currently 145K miles on the vehicle;
Mr. Dobson understands that the timing may not be good, but his vehicle has many issues such as steering column shorting out.  

When asked about the Sprinkler – Fire Alarm budget, Mr. Dobson noted that the previous administration asked that the Fire Marshal to manage this Budget;
  • Accessories:  Mr. Dobson reported that he keeps everything in the back seat and showed a picture of what he keeps in the trunk;
  • An inspection schedule was passed out to the Board; duties and responsibilities are according to state statute;  fire marshal oversees energy items;
  • Fire Marshal Dobson has written grants; specifically for the heating system at the OS Fire Department;
  • A member of the Fire Prevention Committee since 2004;
  • Does not charge for inspections; when questioned about other towns charging for inspections, Mr. Dobson noted that Branford, Guilford, East Lyme and Waterford  charge for inspections;
  • Towns that have PT Fire Marshals have an impact on the homeowners’ insurance;
  • Fire Marshal is responsible for all hotel/motel/lodging safety;
  • An average fire inspection on the scene is 15 hours;  for multi-million dollar homes, at least 100 hours, if not more;  boat fires are included as well;
  • Fire Marshall is on call for 24 hrs.;
  • Currently attending UNH in the Masters Program.
Selectman Fortuna noted that Don is a “one man show” and that he has no clerical help.    He noted that Mr. Dobson has written grants for equipment; about $7-10K in the last 14 years.  Mr. Dobson gets free training and he has had interns.

At this time, Chairman LaMay asked Mr. Dobson if he could deal with a used car to which Mr. Dobson replied in the affirmative.  He noted that he needed a 4W drive vehicle.

Chairman LaMay thanked Fire Marshal Dobson for coming in.

BOARD OF EDUCATION REPORT:    Chairman LaMay noted that there will be a special meeting with the BOE the following week.  He asked Ms. Pendleton if she had anything she wanted to say to the Board.

Ms. Pendleton reported that everything is still frozen.  However, there was a partial lift of funds to purchase a Chiller unit for $35K.  She also noted for the BOF that there is extensive claim history so renewal of health benefits will be very difficult.  She noted that she has already received quotes from Anthem and Cigna and two more bids are expected.  She reported that they are looking at staffing and programs.  A significant change is that the projected K students number was 80 and there are currently 95 registrants.

Mr. Thorpe inquired of Ms. Pendleton that if the BOE budget was cut $100K, how would the BOE handle this.  She noted that because of the dual fuel capability, they would look at that in addition to staff and programs.  

Chairman LaMay thanked Ms. Pendleton.

At this time, Ms. Burnham called the Police Commission to order at 7:48 p.m.  

Chief Spera gave a brief overview of the operational budget.  He spoke to personnel, which he noted reflects raises, step raises.  He reported that clerical work is task specific.  He noted that there was no Dispatchers contract yet.  Mr. Spera discussed community special events which line item was drastically reduced.  He noted that the police department does not cancel events.  Expenses and supplies were reduced; Community Policing was reduced; K-9 team was reduced; recruitment and selection was reduced; and the contractual line was down.

It was questioned why the Police Department has its own capital budget and not part of the town budget and it was noted that it is dictated by statute.  It was asked what a new car would cost.  A sedan would cost $26K and an SUV would cost $28K; plus cost of equipment totaling approximately $8-9K.  OSPD does an RFP before purchasing a car.

The number of officers was discussed.  Chief Spera noted that clerical cost is less than half of the cost 2 years ago.  The following was discussed:
  • Overtime:  OS has a low rate; no overtime at municipal events; regular OT after 42 hours;
  • The following line items are grossly underfunded for the town’s liability:  vacation replacement; special assignment; professional development; OT;
  • Sick time wage very low rate because the culture of the agency is not to abuse sick or vacation time;
  • Dispatchers’ contract has expired;
  • Salaries are step related; after 5 years one earns longevity;
  • Base pay; base pay has a longevity stipend; OT is computed on base pay;  longevity stipend; education stipend;
  • Marine Patrol Boat: needs new engine; operated on a limited basis; currently approximately 2 days per week;
  • K-9:  how often does dog work:  deployed for search of missing persons; narcotics; life span of 5-6 years; a second dog will go back in training;
  • Asset Forfeiture Acct:  approximately $20K in account; based on seizure; can be used for police related equipment;
  • Escalated phone bill; traffic cones;
  • Training room:  
  • Receive payment from contractors for policing? Yes.  Goes into off budget account dictated by auditors;  goes into “751” fund; does not fund retirement for officers;
  • Implementation and payment of Communication System;
  • Standardized Law Enforcement System is nationally recognized; Mr. Fortuna noted that the State is looking at regionalizing 911 call centers.
At this time, Chairman LaMay thanked Chairman Burnham and Chief Spera.

Ms. Burnham adjourned the Police Commission meeting at 9:12 p.m.

Treasurer Fish reported that we were at 75% of the fiscal year.  Expenditures and general government expenses are higher than he’s seen them.  He reported that all bonded fund payments have been made.  He noted that the current taxes were coming very well including back taxes.  Town received $61K from ATT telecommunications.  Mr. Fish noted that local revenues are 10% higher than last year.  He reported that the state revenues will come in $150K over what we were expecting.

Mr. LaMay thanked Mr. Fish for his report.

Selectman Fortuna reported on the following:
  • The last payment of $140K was made to CIRMA;
  • $220K structural deficit is built into this budget for bonded indebtedness;
  • Everything is frozen;
  • Furlough every employee 1 full week = $85,500;
  • Purchase Order system has come up again;
  • Conversations with Julie Pendleton re (health insurance) sharing;
  • WPCA:  meeting with Dennis Greci of Clean Water Fund, DEEP; going to hire project manager; space for WPCA in basement;
  • Youth baseball:  Scott Giegerich reported that as of today, they were granted the use of OSHS field;
  • Elderly Benefit Committee will report to BOF;
Chairman LaMay thanked Selectman Fortuna.  He asked Ms. Lewis to invite Parks & Recreation, Public Works, Acton Library and Police Department to the next meeting.  

Motion:  To adjourn at 9:45  p.m.

Moved:  D. LaMay                           Second: D. Kennedy

Discussion:  None

Approved:  7-0-0

Please note that a recording of this meeting is on disc.  You may request a copy from the Town Clerk.

Respectfully submitted,
Gerri Lewis, Clerk